[updated] Pokemon Ascent GBA ROM Download

Pokemon Ascent GBA ROM : pokemon community has updated new version of Pokemon Ascent GBA ROM with lots of fun and improvement based on playsers experience. If you are fan of pokemon roms and games like me then you will enjoyed this rom because I do a lot. In Pokemon Ascent GBA ROM new version developer add some new character with some adventure stories. For more details read out below roms description.

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Download Pokemon Ascent GBA ROM – RomsHippo.com

Roms Information

  • Full Name : Pre-Patched Pokemon Ascent GBA ROM
  • Version : Alpha v1.1
  • File Size : 16MB
  • Console : GBA
  • Genre : Role-Playing
  • Region : WW
  • Released : April 23, 2022
  • Language : English

Description of Pokemon Ascent GBA ROM

Ascent is a combat-oriented trainer battle onslaught with roguelike-inspired progression. Gameplay loops lack the adventurous side of the normal Pokemon experience, in favor of more sophisticated competitive battles.

You start from the bottom of the tower with 3 Starter Pokemon, earn currency to level up Pokemon and items and gradually move up from floor to floor. Each floor has different quality of life features that allow you to prepare your team for the next gauntlet without the usual shattering headaches. Find out if you have what you need to be on top!

Features of Pokemon Ascent GBA ROM

Every floor has unique battles which must be completed in sequence to progress
Losing resets the floor battles. The flow is: prep->complete all battles without a pause->progress to the next floor
Alternating single/double battle floors
Rotating trainer teams. Trainers have additional pokemon and may switch them out randomly between attempts. Operates on a slot-by-slot basis.
All pokemon up to gen 8
Mostly up to gen 7/8 battle mechanics, items, moves, abilities, with some adjustments and additions.
3 different currency rewards at the end of each floor.
The same shops on every floor.
Battle points: Pokemon shop, convert to a shiny shop
Money: Held items shop, TM shop
Heartscales: Move relearner shop. Egg moves will be added to learnsets as needed to keep things tidy.
Free: Nature adjuster, ev adjuster, ev reseter
Choose one starter of every type.
A built-in Nuzlocke mode. Receive a gift on every floor from that floor’s new pokemon. Pokemon automatically removed when fainted. You will lose their held item.
3 difficulty settings that adjust ev/iv amounts for trainers.
No bag used in battle.
No money loss on lost battle.
Forced set mode.
Held items restored between battles.
All of the player’s pokemon have perfect IVs and always start with ability 1.
No exp. All pokemon are level 50.
Room battle hints. Talk to the trainers on each floor for a small amount of information regarding their strategy.
Bag sort


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Source : PokeCommunity Pokemon Ascent GBA ROM

Credits : TeaRisten (rh 82438) I would like to give thanks to pokecommunity for this roms and developer who create game to make this suberb ROM.

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Note : Everything is taken from PokeCommunity and The Internet. No files are hosted on our server. RomsHippo.com does not accept responsibility for content hosted on third party websites and does not have any involvement in the downloading/uploading of roms and games. we just post links available in internet.