[Updated] Pokemon Dark Rising Rom Download

Pokemon Dark Rising Rom : pokemon community has updated new version of Pokemon Dark Rising Rom with lots of fun and improvement based on playsers experience. If you are fan of pokemon roms and games like me then you will enjoyed this rom because I do a lot. In Pokemon Dark Rising Rom new version developer add some new character with some adventure stories. For more details read out below roms description.

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Download Pokemon Dark Rising Rom – RomsHippo.com

Roms Information

  • Full Name : Patched Pokemon Dark Rising Rom
  • Version : Complete Version + Kaizo Fixed
  • File Size : 6MB
  • Console : GBA
  • Genre : Role-Playing
  • Region : WW
  • Released : April 27 2017
  • Language : English

Description of Pokemon Dark Rising Rom 

The story begins with a dream. Suddenly, a Pokemon appears and chooses you as a little boy / girl to save the world itself as well.

You wake up and ask yourself a question. For now you have ignored your dreams and decided to enter your hometown called Ferz in the Core region. Your best friend, who had the same dream, will stop you at the front door and give you an urgent message from a professor in the town.

Meet your professor and they will immediately inform you about the disasters and climate change that are occurring throughout the core region. His worker is in a panic and he asks you to visit the delivery station and pick up the package for him from Professor Oak.

Follow this simple quest and you’ll meet a mysterious girl who seems to know your dreams about a creature called Dargis. After receiving the package, a powerful Pokemon will appear to you and your friend Pete. Aspiring to test your early skills against powerful Pokemon, you will soon engage in the fight against it.

Pokemon use strong winds to easily defeat Pokemon and unknowingly knock them in the process. After waking up in your room, you see Pete and your mother patiently waiting for your recovery. You soon begin to realize that this is the beginning of a journey to many secrets and powerful Pokemon that you can’t wait to challenge.

Features of Pokemon Dark Rising Rom 

386 Pokemon from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova
Newer generation moves
Dream World Abilities
Pokemon will learn some of their best egg moves by level up instead of breeding
Challenge Nurse Joy for exp


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Source : PokeCommunity Pokemon Dark Rising Rom

Credits : DarkRisingGirl, Tajaros, SinisterHoodedFigure, Wesley FG, Kyledove, Alienhunterx, Mewmasterifly, NO_obslayer, Nightkymz, Atif, Darthatron, Hinkage
(rh 455207) I would like to give thanks to pokecommunity for this roms and developer who create game to make this suberb ROM.

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Note : Everything is taken from PokeCommunity and The Internet. No files are hosted on our server. RomsHippo.com does not accept responsibility for content hosted on third party websites and does not have any involvement in the downloading/uploading of roms and games. we just post links available in internet.