[Updated] Pokemon PS The First Journey RPGXP Download

Pokemon PS The First Journey RPGXP : pokemon community has updated new version of Pokemon PS The First Journey RPGXP with lots of fun and improvement based on playsers experience. If you are fan of pokemon roms and games like me then you will enjoyed this rom because I do a lot. In Pokemon PS The First Journey RPGXP new version developer add some new character with some adventure stories. For more details read out below roms description.

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Download Pokemon PS The First Journey RPGXP – RomsHippo.com

Roms Information

  • Full Name : Pokemon PS The First Journey RPGXP
  • Version : 5.0
  • Console : GBA
  • Genre : Role-Playing
  • Region : WW
  • Released : here
  • Language : English

Description of Pokemon PS The First Journey RPGXP

Explore the ‘Generation 0’ where it all began – witness Professor Oak’s first journey through the Kanto region – and when you’re done, follow Red’s journey to Johto, 40 years later , to look for a very important person!

Two adventures in one! Instead of a traditional post-game, you’ll experience a new story, all through a challenging Johto, as the (second) strongest trainer in the world! Follow Red’s journey to redemption after a devastating and humiliating loss to Ethan (Gold). Witness his transformation from loneliness to adulthood as he journeys through Johto with a cast of familiar characters.

For more post-game (Red’s Journey West) details, visit their official RelicCastle thread.

1947 Kanto is a fully developing area. The term “trainer” is somewhat of a novelty, with most people in the creature business referring to themselves as “hunters”. They fight for money, have the right to catch another Pokémon from Tamer if they win, and often cause a lot of pain to the inhabitants.

The “creature fever” took over the land after the Kantians learned how to make Poké Balls from Apricorns. Young people are seduced by the rush to make quick money, put aside obligations and enjoy unprecedented freedom and power. Students began to drop out of school and the gangs grew rapidly, despite frequent protests from the elders.

You are tasked with this chaotic landscape of bringing Kanto (and the entire “Pokémon” nation)… not a set of rules, not a new type of combat, but an entire final infrastructure. will be responsible for the construction of modern customs. Trainers as we know them Will you be able to restore law and order to the region, or will the wilds of Kanto rule you?

Features of Pokemon PS The First Journey RPGXP

Inspired by the beta versions of Red and Green, (Trainers using whips, an economy based on Pokémon, initial knowledge or concepts that have been discarded, Pokémon being closer to natural organisms than multiverse mythological multi-beings).

Kanto visually remastered closer to how it was in gen 1 (hey, no nostalgia here, don’t go the genwunner route, kthxbye). For example, Route 1 has fields on both sides, not trees like in Generation 3. Kanto is much more rural, as depicted in older artwork.

Man-made items are practically non-existent, you need to make Apricorns Poké Balls (an unrealistic time system means you can convert a ball relatively quickly), find berries or roots, and generally, be thrifty-minded. You can buy Pokemon, but you cannot sell them.

Establish the first gyms and first league, taking down groups of tamers whose activities can sometimes be… reprehensible
The only known evolution method is “level-up” evolution. At least for those who know that Pokemon can even evolve in the first place…

Many Pokemon that are known to be rare today, are ubiquitous in this era. Well, not as ubiquitous, but much easier to find.

Access your “Storage Boxes” from the menu. Well, computers don’t exist yet, at least in Kanto, and there’s no restriction forcing teleportation into your… balls… if you have more than six of them. Then you can just put those extra mons inside your bag.

Organize your resources carefully. Berries aside, they are limited, and losing a battle means losing a lot of money. Healing services are rare and expensive.
A modified HGSS soundtrack, with some OG tracks in the mix, aims to replicate the OG feeling of Kanto music in an authentic way. What would the soundtrack look like back then, if it wasn’t constrained by GB’s audio hardware?

Discover the pasts of various characters, from Koga to Bertha, and witness the transformation of a ragtag, loose group of tamers into gym leaders.
A gripping story that explains Oak’s past and his role in every future coach’s journey.


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Source : RelicCastle Pokemon PS The First Journey RPGXP

Credits : AenaonDusky I would like to give thanks to pokecommunity for this roms and developer who create game to make this suberb ROM.

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