[Updated] 20+ Pokemon White 2 Cheats Codes

Pokemon White 2 Cheats Codes : One of the best pokemon franchise cheats code we are sharing with you that you might be know if you play pokemon roms games like me. Pokemon White 2 Cheats Codes is the best games that we all know about that we enjoy a lot these games we as you know it will more fun to play games when we use Pokemon White 2 Cheats Codes because in each cheats code we gets something unlimited with more fun. Some time cheats code give us new featrues so that we can more enjoy game ever before.

So this is the best reason that why Today I am sharing with you Pokemon White 2 Cheats Codes to help you to enjoy your games and lets have some more fun. This is what we are waiting for so long.

Note : Never use too many cheats it may be crash your game, before use cheats code first save your game file for as backup use and this cheats beasd on different region so use cheats code which is based on your region.

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Pokemon White 2 Cheats Codes – RomsHippo.com

Pokemon White 2 Cheats Codes List 

Walk Through Walls
Pokemon white 2 cheats
5219C910 FDD8F7C1
1219C914 00001C04
94000130 FDFF0000
1219C914 00002400
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press L as you are walking. It will allow your character to move through walls and high or low terrains but you can’t walk through water. Be careful as well as you can get stuck in some areas.

No Encounter
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
2002224D 000000FF
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press Select. You won’t encounter any Wild Pokemon.

Sure Catch Pokemon
521AF890 7820D203
121AF890 000046C0
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and you’ll be able to catch Pokemon with a 100% success rate regardless of the level and type of Poke Ball.

Catch Enemy Trainer’s Pokemon
02002300 68006868
02002304 60012100
02002308 00004770
521AF660 F7EC6868
121AF666 0000F652
121AF668 0000FE4B
D2000000 00000000

Input the code to be able to catch any enemy trainer’s Pokemon. If you do catch one of their Pokemon, any remaining Pokemon the trainer has will no longer be able to fight as the battle will end right away.

E2003000 00000018
D0002800 4903BD70
428E6809 2400D200
00004770 02257544
521A9BB0 FF42F7F2

Input the code and your Pokemon won’t get any damage during battle.

Max Item and Healing Slots
Pokemon white 2 cheats
Input the following code below to maximize the items in the first and second slot for the Item and Healing Item section.

Item Slot 1 Code
8221DA26 00000000
1221DA26 000003E7
D2000000 00000000

Item Slot 2 Code
8221DA2A 00000000
1221DA2A 000003E7
D2000000 00000000

Healing Slot 1 Code
8221E1FE 00000000
1221E1FE 000003E7
D2000000 00000000

Healing Slot 2 Code
8221E202 00000000
1221E202 000003E7
D2000000 00000000

Free Items From The Poke Shop
5200C9EC 1A51E000
1200C9F0 000046C0
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and you can get items from the Poke Shop for free. While there are still prices on the items, you can get them without any deduction on your money.

Max Money
Pokemon white 2 cheats
94000130 FFFB0000
02226724 0098967F
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press Select. Check your status and you’ll see that you have the maximum amount of money. This is a good one in the list of Pokemon White 2 cheats.

Share Experience
521AEF84 42819903
121AEF88 000046C0
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and every Pokemon in your party will receive the same amount of experience after battle.

Experience Multiplier
Input the code that you want when it comes to the experience multiplier that you would want to get after every battle.

521BD738 0C040400
021BD738 43442402
D2000000 00000000

521BD738 0C040400
021BD738 43442404
D2000000 00000000

521BD738 0C040400
021BD738 43442408
D2000000 00000000

521BD738 0C040400
021BD738 4344240A
D2000000 00000000

100X EXP
521BD738 0C040400
021BD738 43442464
D2000000 00000000

200X EXP
521BD738 0C040400
021BD738 434424C8
D2000000 00000000

Wild Pokemon Modifier
Pokemon white 2 cheats
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
00018D20 02890001
00018D24 00640002
D0000000 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
B2000024 00000000
DA000000 00018D26
D7000000 00036B06
D3000000 00000000
B2000024 00000000
DA000000 00018D22
D7000000 00036B04
D3000000 00000000
B2000024 00000000
D9000000 00036B04
C0000000 0000002F
D6000000 00036B04
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press Select. You will receive 649 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. The tricky part here is that you need to check the National Pokedex. Based on the list, you need to discard the right amount of Master Balls to encounter the Pokemon of your choice. Discarding the right amount of Ultra Balls will also determine what the level of the Pokemon is.

By default, 649 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls will let you encounter a level 100 Genesect. If you want to encounter a level 10 Bulbasaur, then just discard 648 Master Balls which will leave you with 1 and that’s Bulbasaur’s National Pokedex number. You just need to do the math to get the Pokemon that you want and don’t forget to press R to encounter the Pokemon of choice

Encounter Shiny Wild Pokemon
Pokemon white 2 cheats
5201C560 43084050
0201C564 2000D108
E201C56C 00000010
2000900A F027900B
E00AF8EE 980B2100
94000130 FFFD0000
1201C564 000046C0
E201C56C 00000010
1C281C01 F000910A
2801FC47 E008D1F5
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and you’ll encounter a Wild Shiny Pokemon all the time.

Unlock Badges and Reset Badges
Pokemon white 2 cheats
94000130 FFFB0000
22226728 000000FF
D2000000 00000000

Reset Code

94000130 FFFB0000
22226728 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press Select. Check your status and you’ll see that you’ve unlocked all the Badges. The reset code simply removes all the Badges you currently have.

Unlock Master Balls
Pokemon white 2 cheats
94000130 FCFF0000
1221DA24 00000001
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press L or R on the first item after you’ve clicked on it. It will be replaced with 999 Master Balls. This is another beloved code among the Pokemon White 2 cheats available.

Unlock Healing Items
Pokemon white 2 cheats
94000130 FCFF0000
B2000024 00000000
E0019590 00000020
03E70086 03E70235
03E70236 03E70237
03E70238 03E70239
03E7023A 03E7024F
D5000000 03E70011
C0000000 00000025
D6000000 000194F8
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press L or R on the first healing item after you’ve clicked on it. You can unlock 999 of all Healing Items.

Unlock All Berries
Pokemon white 2 cheats
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
D5000000 03E70095
C0000000 0000003E
D6000000 000195B8
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press Select. Check your bag and you’ll have all Berries with 999 in amount.

Unlock All TM and HM
TM Code
94000130 FCFF0000
0221E1B8 0001026A
0221E1BC 0001026B
0221E1C0 0001026C
D5000000 00010148
C0000000 0000005B
D6000000 0221E048
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

HM Code
94000130 FCFF0000
D5000000 000101A4
C0000000 00000005
D6000000 0221E1C4
D4000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press L or R on the item menu until all the TM and HM pop up.

Unlimited Rare Candies
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
000194F8 FFFF0032
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press Select. Check your bag in the Healing Items section and the Rare Candies will be there in an unlimited amount

Unlimited PP
921BAE58 0000D301
121BAE58 0000E003
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and your Pokemon’s PP won’t decrease during battle.

900 Master Balls
94000130 FCFF0000
B2000024 00000000
00018D20 03840001
D2000000 00000000

Input the code and press L and R at the same time. 900 Master Balls will replace the Poke Ball in Slot 1.

Shared Cheats
Unlock all System Keys in Unova Link (Shared by: Phant0m640)
Instruction: Click here

52176534 D1FC4201
12176536 000046C0
D2000000 00000000
521C3058 D1082803
121C305A 000046C0
121C30FA 000046C0
121C3146 0000E000
121C320A 000046C0
121C322E 000046C0
121C4656 000046C0
D2000000 00000000

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If you have any question please comment below I am ready to help you regarding your Pokemon White 2 Cheats Codes

Note : Everything is taken from PokeCommunity and The Internet. No files are hosted on our server. RomsHippo.com does not accept responsibility for content hosted on third party websites and does not have any involvement in the downloading/uploading of roms and games. we just post links available in internet.
