[Updated] 20+ Pokemon Stadium Cheats Codes

Pokemon Stadium Cheats Codes : One of the best pokemon franchise cheats code we are sharing with you that you might be know if you play pokemon roms games like me. Pokemon Stadium Cheats Codes is the best games that we all know about that we enjoy a lot these games we as you know it will more fun to play games when we use Pokemon Stadium Cheats Codes because in each cheats code we gets something unlimited with more fun. Some time cheats code give us new featrues so that we can more enjoy game ever before.

So this is the best reason that why Today I am sharing with you Pokemon Stadium Cheats Codes to help you to enjoy your games and lets have some more fun. This is what we are waiting for so long.

Note : Never use too many cheats it may be crash your game, before use cheats code first save your game file for as backup use and this cheats beasd on different region so use cheats code which is based on your region.

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Pokemon Stadium Cheats Codes – RomsHippo.com

Pokemon Stadium Cheats Codes List 

Player 1 First Pokemon Codes
800AE562 03E7 = Infinite HP
810AE586 03E7 = Max HP
800AE584 0063 = Level 99
800AE580 00FF = Infinite 1st Spell
800AE581 00FF = Infinite 2nd Spell
800AE582 00FF = Infinite 3rd Spell
800AE583 00FF = Infinite 4th Spell

Player 1 Second Pokemon Codes
800AE5B6 03E7= Infinite HP
810AE5DA 03E7 = Max HP
800AE5D8 0063 = Level 99
800AE5D4 00FF = Infinite 1st Spell
800AE5D5 00FF = Infinite 2nd Spell
800AE5D6 00FF = Infinite 3rd Spell
800AE5D7 00FF = Infinite 4th Spell

Player 1 Third Pokemon Codes
800AE60A 03E7 = Infinite HP
810AE62E 03E7 = Max HP
800AE62C 0063 = Level 99
800AE628 00FF = Infinite 1st Spell
800AE629 00FF = Infinite 2nd Spell
800AE62A 00FF = Infinite 3rd Spell
800AE62B 00FF = Infinite 4th Spell

Player 2 First Pokemon Codes
810AE65E 03E7 = Infinite HP
810AE682 03E7 = Max HP
800AE680 0063 = Level 99
800AE67C 00FF = Infinite 1st Spell
800AE67D 00FF = Infinite 2nd Spell
800AE67E 00FF = Infinite 3rd Spell
800AE67F 00FF = Infinite 4th Spell

Player 2 Second Pokemon Codes
810AE6B2 03E7 = Infinite HP
810AE6D6 03E7 = Max HP
800AE6D4 0063 = Level 99
800AE6D0 00FF = Infinite 1st Spell
800AE6D1 00FF = Infinite 2nd Spell
800AE6D2 00FF = Infinite 3rd Spell
800AE6D3 00FF = Infinite 4th Spell

Player 2 Third Pokemon Codes
810AE706 03E7 = Infinite HP
810AE72A 03E7 = Max HP
800AE728 0063 = Level 99
800AE724 00FF = Infinite 1st Spell
800AE725 00FF = Infinite 2nd Spell
800AE726 00FF = Infinite 3rd Spell
800AE727 00FF = Infinite 4th Spell

Diddy Kong Racing, Keycode Required
Enable Code (Must Be On)
DE000400 0000

81285A10 007F = Infinite HP All Pokémon

if you are looking for more cheatsof others ROM that check out here Cheats Collections

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If you have any question please comment below I am ready to help you regarding your Pokemon Stadium Cheats Codes

Note : Everything is taken from PokeCommunity and The Internet. No files are hosted on our server. RomsHippo.com does not accept responsibility for content hosted on third party websites and does not have any involvement in the downloading/uploading of roms and games. we just post links available in internet.
