[Updated] 20+ Pokemon League Of Legends Cheats Codes

Pokemon League Of Legends Cheats Codes : One of the best pokemon franchise cheats code we are sharing with you that you might be know if you play pokemon roms games like me. Pokemon League Of Legends Cheats Codes is the best games that we all know about that we enjoy a lot these games we as you know it will more fun to play games when we use Pokemon League Of Legends Cheats Codes because in each cheats code we gets something unlimited with more fun. Some time cheats code give us new featrues so that we can more enjoy game ever before.

So this is the best reason that why Today I am sharing with you Pokemon League Of Legends Cheats Codes to help you to enjoy your games and lets have some more fun. This is what we are waiting for so long.

Note : Never use too many cheats it may be crash your game, before use cheats code first save your game file for as backup use and this cheats beasd on different region so use cheats code which is based on your region.

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Pokemon League Of Legends Cheats Codes – RomsHippo.com

Pokemon League Of Legends Cheats Codes List 

Catch Enemy Trainer’s Champion
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
E151C402 8A229A83
8E883EFF 92E9660D

Input the code and you can catch the enemy trainer’s Champion. Press L and R at the same time before you throw the Ball.

Encounter Shiny Champion
Encounter shiny champion pokemon league of legends cheat
F3A9A86D 4E2629B4 18452A7D DDE55BCC

Input the code and you can encounter Shiny Champions. Turn off the cheat before you catch the Champion to avoid the Name Glitch.

No Wild Champion Encounters
B505DB41 6E39EA4E

Input the code and you won’t have any Wild Champion encounters.

Max Stats
Max stats pokemon league of legends cheat
35A039FD B90C0C5B
973FBE3F EDC8200D
979050AE 6F56B497
E9B89F9D C73B5749
DBC9F375 30D76D78
35B2E18D FC573426

Input the code and your Champion can have max stats. Simply swap any Champion on the first slot of your party to max out their stats as well.

Unlimited Money
Unlimited money
D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5
A86CDBA5 19BA49B3
1C7B3231 B494738C
C051CCF6 975E8DA1

Input the code and you’ll have unlimited money to use. This is one of the more useful Pokemon League of Legends cheats you can use.

Unlimited Rare Candies
Unlimited rare candies pokemon league of legends cheat

Input the code and head to any Item PC to withdraw an unlimited amount of Rare Candies.

9999 EXP

Input the code and you’ll have 9999 EXP after every Champion you defeat.

Unlimited PP
Unlimited pp pokemon league of legends cheat
820240A8 0063
820240A9 0063
820240AA 0063
820240AB 0063

Input the code and your Champion’s moves will never run out.

Wild Champion Modifier Code
Input the code followed by the specific Nature Code that you want your Champion to have.


The Nature isn’t called Nature in the game but the effects are the same. Just like Lonely Nature means (ATK+/DEF-) will translate to the game’s Nature.

6658C989 89518A0F + NATURE CODE

Nature Codes

217A1A8B E666BC3F = Hardy
CD72C719 F2831689 = Lonely
EB200815 63938154 = Brave
C8CE1977 779F1AA5 = Adamant
2AC59EBF 40C4F367 = Naughty
5E7363AA 5D262877 = Bold
2C707820 9C67A3F0 = Docile
471AA96A 79ECA891 = Relaxed
4F71D6E0 699827D5 = Impish
2717EE59 7564BC55 = Lax
71296D0B D469AD70 = Timid
A79D2EF2 F82F5AF7 = Hasty
A8510C52 65C50481 = Serious
5769723D 1DA05C56 = Jolly
ED5B105D B88A30D8 = Naive
CA12F7A9 56873493 = Modest
31D9195E 5DF03DCE = Mild
E7EC9FF0 70029AE9 = Quiet
5C43DDAA 02D3FC98 = Bashful
24775C3B A15419C7 = Rash
D090BDDA 1968867D = Calm
7B499E06 77185F5C = Gentle
EBA4E60F F5F19690 = Sassy
5BFE17AB A5DC524C = Careful
ADF48A64 04D2988F = Quirky

Wild Champion Level Modifier
Wild champion level modifier pokemon league of legends cheat
To close our list of Pokemon League of Legends of cheats, we have the Wild Champion Level modifier. Input the Master Code first and then input the specific Level Code of the Champion you want to encounter.

Master Code

B749822B CE9BFAC1 A86CDBA5 19BA49B3

Level Codes

65B97174 4A8FBA5C = Level 1
C1AEDD79 5939EF0C = Level 2
4CDE397B EFF6E457 = Level 3
86CB4F01 FB39B8BA = Level 4
EDBF0C4A FA18FA9F = Level 5
2C79FE38 E30F38FE = Level 6
A1EA0A38 A5E9063B = Level 7
04756825 0807C6A1 = Level 8
717DA41F 3FD37B40 = Level 9
076F8D1D EE3C0CD9 = Level 10
B69C8450 473A2A6A = Level 11
B3401E47 CF42C6B5 = Level 12
46657519 7800204C = Level 13
6E6EAE73 5F46BEDD = Level 14
A48D6017 E245D5ED = Level 15
E9D7E085 67756459 = Level 16
61F31742 495EF9E6 = Level 17
8C48D400 C701EBD6 = Level 18
5D38792B D1EC3503 = Level 19
B717825B 7A66F6A1 = Level 20
C90DB070 BE358A19 = Level 21
BFA8DF8D 806599B4 = Level 22
E5125084 0C4E73CE = Level 23
308CCC86 A32374F3 = Level 24
8478EB4A 57D82CBB = Level 25
2E3B86B4 1A2623D7 = Level 26
792D8658 E6CD2F14 = Level 27
DAABA89A CD8FD51E = Level 28
E4E4CA17 0386E75A = Level 29
640BC06E 716F7457 = Level 30
D7C48346 0C094A48 = Level 31
EF3658F0 6036495C = Level 32
7E63F78B FD346BBC = Level 33
80548C01 6804F508 = Level 34
4376B266 5BEABEF3 = Level 35
31A2B5C3 9B086C90 = Level 36
FB3D5638 6665FC5A = Level 37
A983268B A4800A5D = Level 38
EF5C2FD1 979F146D = Level 39
0DD48BFF CA04B434 = Level 40
0E183E24 7565CD99 = Level 41
405D137B A9EA697E = Level 42
338BB970 618C9289 = Level 43
3D4129AD 3F389E0B = Level 44
78937EED BD8501FC = Level 45
843AEF6E EB4896DD = Level 46
E3E9EC3B ADD8FA82 = Level 47
9C2970FF 7954A215 = Level 48
22A2A040 8618D6B6 = Level 49
93C37C9C 0419D3FE = Level 50
2B297F54 9510DB40 = Level 51
A04A94AF 6479DACA = Level 52
56571931 747837C4 = Level 53
569B7C43 6157E073 = Level 54
0ED659B3 0A74B037 = Level 55
1D6FDAFA E4DAF9FC = Level 56
06F84E22 833CC1F1 = Level 57
F7503B2F 6481CAD7 = Level 58
DAC5A494 F20312CD = Level 59
9B96A548 FC6BDEF8 = Level 60
A81962BA EA98B8D5 = Level 61
42A11A06 BFA9A866 = Level 62
E9681BC1 6F8839C3 = Level 63
6310815F 4890EAB8 = Level 64
C2ACED85 878CBAEA = Level 65
EC997ADC 4D78B881 = Level 66
55149812 50A4CD21 = Level 67
BAEE7273 E708BFA6 = Level 68
BAC64E2F D1147153 = Level 69
92CEFA5B 8F95C77D = Level 70
64AA1C21 0FBF4CC8 = Level 71
175BA46E 035419E1 = Level 72
CB688E20 CC46D8CF = Level 73
7602A075 72B4D087 = Level 74
8457FCFF 96956D3E = Level 75
7775D0C5 B930F262 = Level 76
B3CC9F71 DDB7ACAD = Level 77
0850AF9F 31D9D9A1 = Level 78
0BB7C094 5CDC5554 = Level 79
E5114176 8B9F8080 = Level 80
45D3BD95 F1377F94 = Level 81
8BAF13F3 34CF7392 = Level 82
5DA165FA 4525BB59 = Level 83
1ADA323F DED65B38 = Level 84
5F443F91 FE6F4146 = Level 85
E2C9E71B AA334D46 = Level 86
B345CB03 F2C1D3AD = Level 87
2A8ECD89 717B74BA = Level 88
2F01B8D7 4C7A2A4D = Level 89
C6D0207B 40494F80 = Level 90
C273D55A EDAA426E = Level 91
A9ACF54E 19FDC0F3 = Level 92
0D59D962 9B361B64 = Level 93
1F7214E8 96ECA8E0 = Level 94
A6A1B407 393CE546 = Level 95
A4B46892 A6FD7E0B = Level 96
5BCCF641 1F14428F = Level 97
9C45DC79 486E2DAE = Level 98
3F175042 05B8A08D = Level 99
68770050 678B8139 = Level 100

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If you have any question please comment below I am ready to help you regarding your Pokemon League Of Legends Cheats Codes

Note : Everything is taken from PokeCommunity and The Internet. No files are hosted on our server. RomsHippo.com does not accept responsibility for content hosted on third party websites and does not have any involvement in the downloading/uploading of roms and games. we just post links available in internet.
